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Elizabethton City Schools

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21st CCLC Grant


Grades 6-8 are funded in part by the 21st Century Community Learning Centers or 21st CCLC Grant. 

Eligible Applicants

In addition to school districts, community-based organizations, faith-based groups and other public or private organizations can apply for funding for afterschool programs through the 21st Century Community Learning Centers.
These organizations must collaborate with the school(s) of the students to be served.

Eligible Applicants

  • Grants will be awarded to programs that will primarily serve students who attend schools with a high concentration of low-income students.
  • Competitive priority will be given to proposals to serve students attending schools that have been identified for improvement.
  • Services may be provided for adult family members of participating students only.

Grant Awards

Public and not-for-profit organizations that provide, or propose to provide, afterschool educational programs within Tennessee may apply for these funds.
Organizations that have not previously received grants from – or provided contractual services on behalf of – the State of Tennessee will be required to verify their ability to administer grant programs before being considered for funding.

Project Focus

Projects must provide academic enrichment activities designed to help students meet state and local standards and must be based on rigorous scientific research.


Programs must be established in elementary or secondary schools or in any other location that is at least as available and accessible as the school.
Programs must establish a plan for safely transporting students to and from the center and home.

Approved Activities

  • Remedial education
  • Academic enrichment
  • Math & Science activities
  • Arts & Music activities
  • Limited English Proficient classes
  • Tutoring & Mentoring programs
  • Assistance to students who have been truant, suspended or expelled
  • Recreational activities
  • Technology programs & telecommunications
  • Expanded library hours
  • Parent involvement & family literacy activities
  • Drug & Violence Prevention
  • Counseling programs
  • Character Education
  • Entrepreneurial education

Program Performance
All funded 21st CCLC sites will be expected to participate in a rigorous evaluation process that includes the collection of attendance, academic achievement and disciplinary information on students served. In addition, all sites will be expected to submit the Annual Performance Report for 21st Century Community Learning Centers developed by the U.S. Department of Education.

For more information please see the following link: