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Elizabethton City Schools

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ECS ESSER 3.0 Strategic Investments
Focus on Student Outcomes
and Academic Achievement
This video features our school administrators discussing
how ESSER 3.0 funds have impacted all of our schools.
ESSER impact image
The video is an overview of the impact ESSER funding has had on our schools.
You do not have to watch the video to participate in the stakeholder survey.

ESSER 3.0 Community Stakeholder Survey    

esser survey image

Elizabethton City Schools received approximately $5.66 million as part of the federal American Rescue Plan for schools to safely reopen and sustain safe operations that would address the impact of the Corona-Virus Pandemic on students. We are seeking public feedback and suggestions on our allocations of federal ESSER 3.0 funds. The law requires that the funds be allocated in the following categories:

  1. Addressing Learning Loss: Coordinators, Summer, Supplemental After School, and Tutoring
  2. Addressing Learning Acceleration: Summer, Supplemental After School, and Tutoring
  3. Addressing Facility Needs and Deferred Maintenance/Infrastructure
  4. Purchasing Education Technology (including hardware, software, and connectivity)
  5. Addressing the Unique Needs of Special Populations
  6. School Facility Repairs
  7. Providing Mental Health Supports
  8. High-Quality Instructional Materials for Math Adoption
  9. High-Quality Instructional Materials for Early Literacy
10. Public Health Coordination and Protocols
11. Conducting Other Necessary Activities
12. Indirect Cost
13. Administrative Cost

ECS allocation of ESSER 3.0 funds:
LEARNING LOSS PROVISIONS (ESE/HME/WSE/TAD/EHS) tutoring, school-based intervention programs, class size reduction
WHOLE STUDENT SUPPORTS (ESE/HME/WSE/TAD/EHS) mental health counseling, social-emotional support, and attendance support
FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS (HME) asbestos removal, HVAC, windows, lighting, electrical, and plumbing
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS (ESE/HME/WSE/TAD/EHS) high-quality instructional materials for ELA/Math and technology software resources
OTHER NECESSARY ACTIVITIES (ESE/HME/WSE/TAD) instructional technology support

We value your input. Thank you in advance for participating in this survey. We will continue to receive responses through June 15, 2023.

Survey link:



ESSER 3.0 Funding Information

Elizabethton City Schools received a 5.66-million-dollar funding allocation through the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021, enacted on March 11, 2021. Funds are designated for one-time or short-term expenditures to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students. Our priority is to provide safe, in-person learning for all students. In order to develop a plan for the use of ESSER III funds, your input is necessary and crucial to our collective progress. 

The documents linked below outline Elizabethton City Schools proposed plan for the use of ESSER III funds determined by a thoroughly conducted needs assessment and feedback gathered through surveys and public meetings. To provide additional input for the proposed Federal Relief Spending Plan and the Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan, please email For other translations or an alternative format to accommodate an individual with a disability as defined by the ADA, please contact Marsha Taylor, Federal Programs Assistant, at 423-547-8000 ext. 8023. 

Adobe Acrobat Reader is recommended to view the attached documents:

ECS Needs Assessment:   (English)  (Spanish)  

ECS Community Engagement Checklist:   (English)  (Spanish)

ECS Safe Return and Continuity of Services Plan:  (English)  (Spanish)

  ECS Safe Return and Continuity of Services Plan Addendum: 

     January 2022 - (English)  (Spanish)   August 2022 - (English)  (Spanish)

     January 2023 - (English)  (Spanish)  

ECS Public Plan:    (English)  (Spanish)

  ECS Public Plan Addendum:       

     January 2022 - (English)  (Spanish)   August 2022 - (English)  (Spanish)

     January 2023 - (English)   (Spanish)

ECS Foundational Literacy Skills Plan





TN BEST for All District

ESSER funding infographic image