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Elizabethton City Schools

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ECS Technology Department


Technology manages approximately 2,200 networked devices and ensures staff and students have access to appropriate infrastructure and networking in all facilities. Students have access to computers on laptop carts or computer labs at each school, and all schools have additional Chromebook carts. All schools are fully equipped for online testing, and 2017-18 marked the first year of successful completion of online testing in grades 3-8. All classrooms also have interactive SMART Boards.

Elizabethton City Schools Technology Department is currently staffed with a Technology Coordinator and three technicians, together, with over fifty plus combined years of IT experience with an assortment of degrees and certifications. Some of their duties include desktop/server maintenance and support, network infrastructure and security, structured wiring, security access controls installation and maintenance, webcast productions, as well as managing the many other technological needs of Elizabethton City Schools.

District Print and Copier Services RFP

Technology Assistance

If you need technological assistance, or need to create a Work Request please complete the TECH REQUEST FORM

Submitting a tech request ticket is THE FASTEST way to get your problem known, all the technicians get the ticket via email and on their phones IMMEDIATELY.

If you have multiple problems, please create a ticket for each computer/person with an issue, this helps us keep up with each ticket.

If you properly filled out a tech request, you should have received a ticket number, if you did not, your request wasn't submitted successfully.

IF YOU CANNOT LOG ONTO YOUR COMPUTER, please use a student computer to submit your request from that machine.







