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Elizabethton City Schools

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Assessment 19-20

Required Assessments

Assessment Name & Applicable Law Subject(s) Student Group Administration Window Parents Informed

TCAP End-of-Course Assessments
Used to measure student mastery and growth in reading/language arts, mathematics, social studies and science over the course of a school year.

Administered in accordance with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 and T.C.A §49-1-602 pertaining to district and school accountability.  Modified assessments in Braille and large print are also provided in accordance with the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1990. 

English I/II, Integrated Math I/II/III, Algebra I/II, Geometry, Biology*** (Spring only), U.S. History & Geography

9-12 Dec. 2-19
April 13 - May 8
Scores are used to help calculate final grades for report cards. Individual Student Reports will be released to parents during the fall of the next school year. 

TCAP Grades 3–8
Used to measure student mastery and growth in reading/language arts, mathematics, social studies and science over the course of a school year.

Administered in accordance with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 and T.C.A §49-1-602 pertaining to district and school accountability.  Modified assessments in Braille and large print are also provided in accordance with the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1990.

ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies (Grades 6-8 only) 3-8 April 13 - May 8 Scores are used to help calculate final grades for report cards. Individual Student Reports will be released to parents during the fall of the next school year. 

Administered to English Learners to evaluate English proficiency.

The development of alternate achievement standards for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities is authorized under a department regulation (34 C.F.R. Part 200) published on December 9, 2003, and T.C.A § 49-1-612. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title I require inclusion of all students with disabilities in the state assessment system. 

English Proficiency K-12 Feb. 17 - April 3 (Tentative) No grades given. Results shared with parents at the start of the following school year. 

Multi-State Alternate Assessment (MSAA)
*Administered to students in grades 3–8 and grade 11 with the
most significant cognitive disabilities.

Administered to students with the most severe cognitive disabilities to measure academic achievement against modified, more accessible academic standards.


ELA, Math 3-8, 11* March 16 - May 8 (Tentative) Results shared with parents in late May or the start of the following school year.

**Administered to students in grades 3–8 with the most significant cognitive disabilities for both science and social studies, and students in grade 10 for biology.

Administered to students with the most severe cognitive disabilities to measure academic achievement against modified, more accessible academic standards.

Science, Social Studies 3-8, 10** March 16 - May 8 (Tentative) Results shared with parents in late May or the start of the following school year.

The NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) is a national assessment. The state and NAEP randomly selects grades and subjects for tracking academic progress across the nation.

  4, 8, 12 in select schools Jan. 28 - March 15 No school or individual results are shared from the state.

Designed to gauge college readiness for students.

Administered in accordance with T.C.A § 49-6-6001(b). 

English, Math, Reading, Science 11 TBD Student-level reports are provided by ACT approximately three to eight weeks after the administration of the assessment.

Administered three times a year to provide data in identifying students in need of reading and math intervention support.

Administered in accordance with the RTI² guidelines as a notionally normed, skills-based universal screener. 

  K-12 TBD No grades are given. Results are shared with parents  for qualifying students.

US Civics Test
All public high school students are expected to participate in the civics test; however, a passing grade is not a requirement for graduation. The department will recognize as "United States Civics All Star Schools," schools in which all seniors who receive a regular diploma also earn a passing grade on the United States civics test.

A United States citizenship and immigration services civics test is required at least once in grades nine through twelve (9-12). Schools in which all seniors earning a regular diploma also earn a passing grade on the U.S. Civics test will be recognized by the department as a U.S. Civics All-Star School.

Civics High School TBD Participation Stamp will be placed on students transcripts.

College and Career readiness.


  9-11   Student-level reports are provided by TDOE approximately three to eight weeks after the administration of the assessment.

Cyclone Checkpoints
Formative Assessment used to measure student mastery of content standards.

District-required participation.


Grades 3-12: Sep. 30-Oct. 29; Feb. 10-28

Grades 3-5: Dec. 2-13

No school or individual results are shared from the district. 

Used as a practice SAT and also used for National Merit status for grade 11.

District-required participation.

  9 TBD College Board makes reports available online starting April 22, 2017, with paper copies distributed four weeks later.

Used to measure reading growth and to plan reading instruction.

District-required participation.

  K-5 Quarterly Scores are attached to student report cards each grading period.

Grade 2 TCAP Assessment
This test is given to help measure how much a second grade student grows academically over the course of a school year. 

District-required participation.


Optional Assessments

Assessment Name Subject(s) Student Group Administration Window Parents Informed

ACT Senior Retake
Used as an ACT retake opportunity for seniors who tested on the 2016 Junior test day - Designed to gauge college readiness for students.

English, Math, Reading, Science 12 TBD Student level reports are provided by ACT approximately three to eight weeks after the administration of the assessment.

Advanced Placement (AP)
Used for students enrolled in AP courses as an option to provide college or university credit and/or advanced placement upon obtaining a predetermined score.

  9-12 enrolled in AP classes.   College Board shares scores online in July of 2017.