Open House/Orientation Dates
- EHS –
- TAD –
- ESE –
- HME –
- WSE –
- WELC –
School Supply Lists
- EHS - Students should bring basic school supplies (paper, pencils, pens, organizers, etc.) They will receive more specific lists from their individual teachers because needs will vary based on their schedules.
- TAD - Students should bring basic school supplies (paper, pencils, pens, organizers, etc.) They will receive more specific lists from their individual teachers because needs will vary based on their schedules.
- East Side
- Harold McCormick
- West Side- Located under the 'Academics' tab
Student Registration
- Student data forms will be completed online in Skyward Family Access.
- You can still apply to be a new tuition student using the Cyclone Connection.
- Tuition may now be paid online and monthly at > Parents > Pay Tuition
- Parents of returning students, check out the resources on our Registration page.
- Stay up to date about information and appointments for school-required vaccines.
- Complete paperwork for your child to access a higher level of medical care at school with the new Niswonger Virtual Health Clinic
- Qualifying EHS, TAD, and WSE students should apply for free and reduced-price meals (online or paper).
- Sign up at to make and monitor meal payments.
- Menus updated monthly on > Nutrition
- Breakfast in the Classroom will be served at elementary schools and Wandell ELC.
- Remember to link your Food City and Ingles cards every year to help your school!
- Register for Skyward Family Access to access and update your child's general information, attendance and grades.
- (news, calendar, information)
- Download your school’s mobile app called "Stay Connected" and receive push notifications.
- Download the iCal link for school calendars.
- Follow us on Facebook @elizabethtoncityschools and Twitter @ElizCitySchools
- Participate in the communication survey (Sep.)
School Closings & Snow Schedules
School Calendars
Back-2-School Bash
- Saturday, Aug. 3, 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
- Citizens Bank Stadium
- Free and open to all
- 1,000 backpacks full of school supplies given away
- Inflatables, obstacle courses, lunch
- Free hair cuts
- Click here to learn more
School Bell Schedules