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Elizabethton City Schools

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Background Checks

Background Checks

Background checks are required for Contractors, Vendors, Employees, and Volunteers. Employees that have not had a background check within the last five years will be required to have an updated check, and for every five years thereafter.

To get a background check and finger prints contact the Central Office. Fingerprinting expenses must be paid by the person receiving the background check, except for ECS employees. 

Examples of volunteers needing background checks include home room parents, coaches, after school workers, day workers in classrooms, play assistants, and parents chaperoning buses or overnight trips. Volunteers must fill out a Volunteer Agreement and once approved, must be supervised by staff as designated by the Principal.



  1. Public/Community events which are days were the school/district is having a function as set forth by the principal or Director of Schools. Some examples are field days, harvest days, parent nights, picnics and athletic events.
  2. Guest speakers are not required to have a background check but must be supervised at all times by the classroom teacher or principal's designee. Approvals for guest speakers should be made through the principal.
  3. Department Officials with credentials must check in in the office and be cleared by the principal.