Elizabethton City School Board
Cindy Walker
Eddie Pless
Phil Isaacs
Richard VanHuss
Danny O'Quinn
Jamie Bass Schaff
Dr. Robert Lewis
Hudson Smith (Student Liaison)
Regular Scheduled Board Meeting:
Click to view Board Meeting Schedule
Click the link above to access all current Board policies.
Board of Education
The focus of this Board is to provide individualized education to all students, support to teachers, and improvements to school programs and infrastructure. The Board includes five elected members serving four-year terms and one non-voting student liaison serving a one-year term. They meet monthly to review policy and district operations, and meetings are broadcast live on the ECS YouTube Channel.
Eddie Pless - Board Chair
Jamie Bass Schaff- Vice Chair
Addressing the Board
The Chairman of the Board presides at all meetings and persons who wish to speak before the Board may do so at regular meetings by following these procedures:
Speakers may request their names be placed on the agenda by calling the Board of Education Office at 423.547.8000 ext. 8225, no later than three days before the Board meeting.
Each speaker must state his/her name, address, zip code, organization or group represented, and the topic to be addressed.
Each speaker’s presentation will be limited to five (5) minutes. Any part of the five (5) minutes may be yielded by the speaker to another speaker whose name is on the agenda, but in no instance shall anyone speaker be allowed more than five (5) minutes regardless of the number of speakers who yield their time. Speakers may not yield their time to a person whose name is not already on the agenda to speak.
The Board Chairman will call the speaker’s name when it is his/her time to speak. Speakers should use the microphone at the speaker’s podium and state for the record their name, address, and organization or group represented.
The Board expects those who appear before it will conduct themselves in an orderly manner. Personal references, derogatory statements of a personal nature, obscenities, and name-calling are not permissible. The Chairman will have the authority to terminate the remarks of any individual who does not adhere to the above rules or chooses to be abusive to an individual Board member or the Board as a whole.
Board Members
- Board Links
- Mission & Vision
- ECS Board Policy
- 5 Year Plan for Elizabethton City School System
- Board Meetings
Watch Board meetings live and previous board meetings!