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Elizabethton City Schools

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Healthy School Teams

Ideally, in a Healthy School Team there are representatives for each of the eight components. The members meet to bring together skills, knowledge, and resources. Then they address any health related problems in the school environment. Examples could include bullying, safety, nutrition, health education, or other challenges. With a committed team, improvement of student and staff health is possible.

adults.jpgSchool Health Index

The SHI is a self-assessment tool that schools can use to improve their health and safety policies and programs. The SHI has two activities that are to be completed by teams from your school: the eight self-assessment modules and a planning for improvement process. For more information visit the SHI website at the bottom of this page.

Join a Team!

If you would like to become a part of a school's Healthy School Team, please contact Regina Wilder.