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Elizabethton City Schools

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LEAPs Grant

Grades K - 5 are funded in part by the Lottery for Education Afterschool Programs or LEAPs Grant.

In November 2002, Tennesseans voted to create a state lottery. The General Assembly established that profits from the lottery go towards specific educational programs: college scholarships, early childhood programs and afterschool programs.
As provided under TCA 49-6-702, 100 percent of monies constituting an unclaimed prize shall be deposited into an afterschool account for the purpose of administering a system of competitive grants and technical assistance for eligible organizations providing afterschool educational programs within Tennessee.

Eligible Applicants

Public and Not-for-Profit Organizations that provide, or propose to provide, afterschool educational programs within Tennessee may apply for these funds.
Organizations that have not previously received grants from – or provided contractual services on behalf of – the State of Tennessee will be required to verify their ability to administer grant programs before being considered for funding.

Eligible Participants

  • Youth 5-18 years old and enrolled in elementary or secondary school;
  • 50 percent of students enrolled must also meet one of the following criteria:
    • qualify for free/reduced lunch;
    • be at risk of educational disadvantage and failure due to circumstances of abuse, neglect or disability;
    • be at risk of state custody due to family dysfunction;
    • be enrolled in and attending a public school failing to make adequate yearly progress (AYP);
    • be attending a public school, including a public charter school, instead of a public school failing to make AYP as a result of parent choice; or
    • be at risk of failing one or more subjects or are behind grade level by at least one year

However, preference shall be given to programs that maintain an enrollment of children of which at least 80 percent of the students enrolled meet one of the criteria above.

For more information please see the following link: