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Navigating Family Access

Navigating in Family Access

Student Selection

For families with more than one currently enrolled student, Family Access lets you select which student’s information you wish to view. On the top taskbar of the Family Access Calendar screen, you will find a student selection drop-down box that allows you to toggle back and forth between your students. If you have more than one student enrolled and you do not find all of your student’s names under the drop-down box, please email

Calendar Screen

After logging in, the first screen you will see is the calendar. It will show your assignments for your student’s classes and grades received. Click on any assignment to find out more information relating to the assignment, i.e. date assigned, date due. To the left of the screen, you will find the main menu. You will also see important dates on your child’s school calendar.


The Gradebook lets you view assignments and grades in each of your student’s subjects/classes. This tool is provided to keep you informed of how your child is doing in class. The gradebook screen is divided into two tabs – Display Options and GPA/Class rank. (Grades will only be displayed for grades 2 – 12.)

  1. Display Options Tab: This tab refers to the grades posted for your student in real time. It is a snapshot in time and will change as assignments are completed/not completed, grades updated, attendance, etc. The grades reflect all assignments that have been turned in and graded during that grading term. Click on any underlined grade to see the assignments that make up that grade. Options under Display Options Tab include the following:

    1. Show Assignments – Allows you to view each individual assignment a teacher has posted to the Skyward Gradebook (If all assignments are not showing, please click on “next #”.)

    2. View All Terms – Allows you to view all grading periods for this school year

    3. Show Current Term Only – Allows you to view the current grading periods only

    4. Show Previous and Current Term Only – Allows you to view all grading periods from the beginning of the school year through the current grading period

  2. GPA/Class Rank Tab: This tab refers to the students GPA (Grade Point Average) for each year at Elizabethton High School and the rank of the student’s GPA as compared to all students in that class, i.e. 10/195 would be 10th out of 195 students in a particular class. Please note that GPA’s are not currently figured during the 9th and 10th grade years. Cumulative Earned Credits and Cumulative Failed Credits are also reported on this tab.


The Attendance page displays the record for your student. You may click on the tabs.

Student Info

The Student Info link will display the demographic information that is on file for the student selected at the top of the screen. If any of this data is incorrect, please contact you student’s school. This information is vital for proper communication between the school and the parent/guardian of the student.


The Schedule page shows your student’s schedule including class information, teacher, time of class, and teacher email.


All recorded discipline for your student is recorded in this area. The date, type of offence, and result will be listed.

Test Scores

Any ACT or SAT scores will be displayed in this area.


This section is currently under construction. We hope to have more information to share on this at a later date.


Skylert enables you to receive notifications concerning your child(ren). You have control over which notifications to receive and how you would like to receive them.

Login History

The Login History lists recent dates and times when you have accessed your account.

Account Tabs

Three tabs appear in the upper right-hand corner – My Account, Contact Us, and Email History. My Account is a summary of the basic demographic information for your student. Please contact your student’s school if information is incorrect. Contact Us is a separate means to contact your student’s teacher or school administrator. Email History is a record of emails sent through the Family Access Portal.