Seasonal Flu Vaccination Recommendations
The single best way to protect against seasonal flu is for children to receive a vaccination each year. It protects against three flu viruses that are most common during the upcoming season. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend the following individuals are at high risk and should receive a seasonal flu vaccine:
- children 6 months and older
- those in regular contact with groups of children (teachers, nannies, etc)
- healthcare workers
- children with chronic health problems such as asthma, heart disease, or diabetes
Preventing the Flu
Steps the CDC recommends to prevent the spread of seasonal flu:
get your seasonal flu vaccine
take any anti-viral medication your doctor prescribes for you
avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
stay home if you're sick
cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze
TennCare is a state program meant to promote child health in Tennessee. The coverage is for children from birth to age 21. It is a program of check ups and other health care services to make sure that all who are covered receive the health care they need. For more information please refer to the links below.
Safe Sleep