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Elizabethton City Schools

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Parent Forms

Annual Student Data Forms

Student data forms (emergency contacts, medical, and other required forms) are updated annually online in Skyward Family Access for returning students. 

Athletic Forms

Athletic Forms are completed in Arbiter Athlete. Contact your school's Athletic Office for assistance completing those forms. 

Parent Forms

In accordance with the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, a student’s education records are maintained as confidential and, except for a limited number of special circumstances listed in that law, will not be released to a third party without the parent/student’s prior written consent. The law, however, does allow schools to release student “directory information” without obtaining the prior consent of the parent/student. If you do not want the release of certain types of directory information without your prior consent, you may choose to “opt-out” of this FERPA exception by signing the form and returning to your child's school. Updated 2020-2021 School Year