Statement of Policies and Procedures of the Elizabethton City Schools Extended School Program
The Extended School Program is a program one that educates by giving children the opportunity to explore, experiment, and discover. It is more than a series of activities. It is the entire experience of staff and children working together where interest is focused on children as individuals and as members of a group; where they have the guidance of a qualified adult; and where they have space, materials, and equipment. It is a place where there is opportunity to learn how to make plans and to carry them out, to help themselves and others, and to feel accepted and to accept others. There is flexibility enough to accommodate children from different age groups, and at the same time, fulfill the needs of individuals.
Grades K-5:
Any student enrolled in one of the Elizabethton City Elementary Schools (East Side, West Side, and Harold McCormick) is eligible to attend the ESP program. ESP is operating on a sliding scale for fee payments. Our maximum monthly fee is $55.00. Each parent is charged based upon their income. Parents must provide a copy of a paycheck stub and have their employer fill out the income verification sheet showing their average income for each working parent to be eligible for a lower fee. You only need to provide this information if you are seeking a reduced monthly rate. Anyone on a reduced fee will have to re-determine at least once during the school year.
Any student enrolled in the ECS Early Learning Center is eligible to attend the Pre-K program. There are two options for parents of Pre-K students. Option 1: Pre-K students who are picked up by 3:30pm pay a fee of $5.00 per day. If a Pre-K child is picked up after 3:30pm the fee is $10.00 per day. Option 2: A parent of a Pre-K student can pay $65.00 a month if they pre-paid for the month. This offers a significant savings!
In addition to daily/monthly fees, there is an annual registration fee of $25.00 per child due upon registration for the program. This fee is NONREFUNDABLE. ESP is open on some days when school is closed. If your child attends on one of these days, there is an additional $5.00 a day fee for each day the child is expected to be in attendance. Parents are expected to pre-register their child for these days and pre-pay for them as well. If you do not pre-register or pre-pay you will be charged $10.00 a day. Sign-up sheets and deadlines will be posted as needed. We ask parents / guardians to do this so we can provide adequate staffing and materials.
ALL FEES ARE TO BE PRE-PAID AND ARE DUE PRIOR TO YOUR CHILD ATTENDING. Checks or money orders should be made payable to ESP and given directly to the Site Coordinator or a worker if the Site Coordinator is unavailable. Please do not send payment with the children. If necessary, you may leave payment in the school office. Our preferred method of payment is automatic draft. We also accept Visa and MasterCard. Account balances, for students enrolled in ESP, must be paid in advance to remain in the program. Students may not return to ESP until all balances are paid. Parents with an outstanding balance may not enroll students or siblings in subsequent years if a balance is outstanding.
During the school year, the Extended School Program will operate from the time of regular school dismissal until 6:00pm. On full-day sessions the program will operate from 7:15am until 6:00pm.
Attendance is an essential component of our afterschool program. We operate on a strict attendance policy for all students’ grades K-5. Due to grant requirements, we require that all students attend a minimum of 30 days during the school year for at least an hour a day. Failure to do so may result in being in-eligible for summer programs or following school-year programs.
The Extended School Program will attempt to operate on the days school is in session. ESP does not operate when schools are closed due to bad weather. Should schools close early, parents will be contacted and ESP will close.
An afternoon snack is provided each day. On full-day sessions during the school year, children will need to bring a bag lunch and a drink. The program will provide snacks on full-days sessions.
Children must be checked out from the program in the afternoon by means of finger-print scanner. When the program is operating on full-day sessions, children should be brought into the building, checked in and released to a staff member.
Children WILL NOT be released to any adult other than the parents/guardians or other adults who are authorized for pick-up on the enrollment form. An authorized adult is someone who is 16 years of age or older who is listed on the application. Parents/guardians should notify the Site Coordinator (in advance), in the event a different adult is to pick up a child other than those who are listed.
The Extended School Program closes promptly at 6:00PM. If a child is picked up after this time, an additional fee of $1.00 per minute will be charged in addition to the regular daily fee. In the event that a parent/guardian is more than 15 minutes late, not available for pick-up, and we are unable to contact the parent/guardian, we have no choice but to contact 911 and the Department of Children Services. Emergencies do happen and if for some reason you envision being late (after 6:00pm) please contact the Site Coordinator and let them know in advance. Again, the child will not be released to anyone other than the persons authorized on the enrollment form.
The Extended School Program cannot provide for sick children. We are concerned for the health and welfare of each child; therefore, we require that a sick child be picked up as soon as possible. There is not distribution of medications in the Extended School Program. Parents are responsible for any dispensation of medications. In the event of an emergency, your child will be treated as per school policy and you will be notified immediately.
In order to deny parental access to a child, a copy of the court order which denies parental access must be on file in the ESP office. It is important that noncustodial parents who are, or are not, allowed access to a child be listed on the do not release section of the registration form.
All children enrolled in the Extended School Program will be expected to follow rules established by the staff and the school for purpose of safety and smooth operation of the program. Children with continual behavior problems will be removed from the program. Our program does not provide for children with one on one needs due to funds.
The following tier will be used to determine most discipline cases:
1. First Offense - Loss of Privileges and First Warning
2. Second Offense - Academic Work Completed with Site Coordinator and Second Warning
3. Third Offense - Parent/Teacher Conference - parent signs discipline referral form.
4. Fourth Offense - Parent/ Teacher Conference and Suspension - Number of days suspended depends upon the severity of the action. For example, hitting someone would rank higher than not following directions. Parent signs discipline referral form.
5. Fifth Offense -Parent/Teacher Conference and Suspension- Second suspension will be longer than first suspension. Parent signs discipline referral form.
6. Sixth Offense - Expulsion from ESP School Year Program.
There will be written and verbal correspondence to the parent of all steps taken in the discipline procedures. The program will follow and reinforce all school rules. We are also committed to positive reinforcement; which gives the child opportunity to discuss with the staff the inappropriate behavior and what he/she feels should be the consequences. However, should a student acts aggressively towards the staff or their peers, they will be removed from the program immediately. Please cooperate by stressing the importance of good behavior patterns with your child. We want to keep the program fun and safe for everyone!
The exchange of information about a child from the parents’ and staffs’ perspective can be very helpful to the family and the program. The staff will be able to better meet the needs of a child if they are aware of things such as illness in the family, a change of living location, special fears, etc.
Parents will be kept informed of all special activities. Working together, a program that is fun, educational, and enriching for every child will be provided. ESP will host two parent involvement nights a school year. Please participate if possible.
You will be provided a copy of the State Licensing requirements including your rights as a parent/guardian and the appropriate provisions of a child care program for you to review. Please keep the manual for your reference and detach and sign the form below indicating that you have received and read and understand these policies.