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Elizabethton City Schools

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Redesign of 3rd & 4th ELA Grade Assessments

In 2017-18 the state implemented a redesigned TNReady test for English Language Arts (ELA) in grades 3 and 4. The expectations and test items scaffold from grades 2 to 5, allowing students to steadily build their understanding of foundational skills each year. These redesigned assessments are expected to be more developmentally appropriate for each grade level. An example of the scaffolding through grade levels is below:

Grade Scaffolding of Foundational Literacy Standard 6
5 Write multiple cohesive paragraphs on a topic.
4 Write several cohesive paragraphs.
3 Write a cohesive paragraph.
2 Link sentences into a simple, cohesive paragraph.

Key Points about the Redesign:

  • Expectations scaffold from grades 2 to 5
  • The format is integrated to assess all strands (except speaking standards)
  • All items connect to passages (both literary and informational)
  • Students' foundational literacy skills will also be assessed using words taken directly from the given passages.
  • The integrated format will assess students based upon questions derived from both literature passages and informational text in order to determine mastery of standards in:
    • Reading Comprehension
    • Foundational Literacy Skills
    • Listening
    • Foundational Literacy Fluency
    • Writing

Another important element of these assessments is increased ELA content and reduced Science and Social Studies content. The purpose of this is to build a stronger foundation in ELA and Math because they are fundamental for understanding other subjects. Science and Social Studies will be combined into one 50-minute subpart of the TNReady test with only 30 multiple choice questions. This will not provide enough data for school and district accountability scores in grades 3 and 4 in Science and Social Studies, and students will be scored as either Approaching or On Grade Level in this subpart.