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Elizabethton City Schools

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Student Growth Portfolios

In the 2017-18 school year, the state of Tennessee implemented a new model to observe student growth from voluntary Pre-K (VPK) programs to Kindergarten using student growth portfolios. These allow teachers to measure various English Language Arts (ELA) and Math standards as students progress. These portfolios do not affect a student's grade, but are rather used to measure teacher effectiveness.

A student's portfolio may contain sample work, video or audio to demonstrate understanding at pre- and post-instructional intervals. When information is added to a student's growth portfolio, understanding will be described as either emerging proficient, or advanced at initial observation (Point A) and at final observation (Point B). While most students' Point A pre-instructional understanding may be documented, a "Point B" will not be documented for all students. 

This information will be used by the state and federal Departments of Education to ascertain the effectiveness of teachers as well as the relevance of voluntary Pre-K programs. These portfolios are being used in all school systems which have a VPK program funded by the Pre-K Quality Act Grant.

In the 2018-19 school year, student growth portfolios will be used in Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1st Grade.