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Elizabethton City Schools

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Teacher Links

Teaching children to meet strict standards is difficult enough without finding health-related material for the classroom. There are several models, curricula, and lesson supplements that include health messages or promote healthy living. We have listed below just some of the materials available for Elizabethton City School teachers. Coordinated School Health has purchased many supplements for teachers to use as lessons of their own or to go along with existing subjects, we would love for them to be used in your classroom! If you have any questions about the materials or would like to use them, please contact Regina Wilder.

Michigan Model for Health Education

The Michigan Model for Health is a comprehensive educational curriculum and supplement for educators. The Model is aimed at providing children with knowledge and skills they need to practice and maintain healthy lifestyles. The age-appropriate lessons address health challenges facing school-aged children including social/emotional health, nutrition, physical activity, alcohol and tobacco use, personal health and wellness, and safety. The Michigan Model is based on the Adapted Health Belief Model that merges behavior change theories with Social Cognitive Theory, Social Influence Theory, and Social Behavior Theory. There are several lessons per grade and each can be integrated into several subjects such as language arts, science, P.E., and social studies. If you would like more information or to use Michigan Model lessons/materials, please contact your Director of Coordinated School Health, Regina Wilder.

Kids Health in the Classroom

Kids Health in the Classroom offers educators free health-related lesson plans for PreK through 12th grade. Each Teacher's Guide includes discussion questions, classroom activities and extensions, printable handouts, and quizzes and answer keys – all aligned to National Health Education Standards.

BAM! Body & Mind

Bam! Body & Mind is a program provided by the CDC to help teachers incorporate health education into the classroom.

Take 10!

Snapshot_2010-10-27_09-24-21.jpgTake 10! is a class-room based physical activity program for kindergarten through 5th grade students. It is a tool created by teachers for teachers to integrate academic learning objectives with movement. The materials contain safe and age-appropriate 10 minute physical activities to be used creatively with existing class curricula. Research shows that children who learn while engaged in physica activity to retain more of the information. The goal of Take 10! is to decrease long periods of inactivity in the classroom and to reinforce academic learning objectives to improve test scores.

Sample Lessons


Grade 2 Math Activity



Grade 3 Social Studies/Language Arts Activity